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About Me

Hello people from wherever....I'm Declan if you couldn't tell by the website name, the 3 times it was mentioned at the top, the main page that clearly stated that my name was Declan, and now this. But anyways I live at.....I should not say that. What I can say is that picture above is me. Not the best picture of me but still something. I was born on October 2, 2013 and I have two brothers. Colin, then Keegan. Can you guess which one can drive? Me, I can drive! Forget I said I was born in 2013. Watch this video if you don't belive me

Neighbrohood Kids

Never think that I can't do things. Anyways, the kids in my neighbrohood are crazy. There are two types of kids. VERY young, and old enough to do 2 x 4. In the VERY young group we have Cole, Brody, John, Trevor, and Lucas who are below the age of 8. However in the old group we have Addy, Lawson, Cedar, Connor, Evan, and Cearce (key-air-ce) who are above the age of 8. There are many more people that I probalby missed but that doesn't matter.


The neighbrohood kids are my freinds but I felt like they needed their own section. Let's start off with Enoch. Pretty much a chill guy. He mostly likes Zelda and Zelda and......Zelda. He really likes games....REALLY LIKES. Next up Daniel (redhead). Daniel sometime will relate to a conversation between me and Enoch then start constantly talking. And he also makes weird jokes. Sometimes they are funny. He has a bunch of old stuff that is sometimes really cool. Like one time he brought a pocket watch to school. Another time is when he brought old pennies to school (they were in a binder). And then there's Martin. The guy who speaks louder than the universe. I actually had a podcast with him one time. And then never again.


